Yarn Spinning...
The VBPMA has conducted an annual Victorian Yarn-spinning championship in accordance with the rules and guidelines
of the Australian Bush Poets Association since 2009.
To value and encourage traditional Australian Bush culture through the tradition of Yarn-spinning.
Yarn-spinning is the telling of Australian stories using Australian words and manner of speech of our forebears from
the city and the bush.
Must be family entertainment - no offensive material.
Yarn-spinning is not a connected line of jokes, nor is it rhyming verse.
Eight minute time limit. Points are deducted for each 15 seconds over.
Judging sheet
Available from the secretary by emailing info@vbpma.com.au
Intending entrants are encouraged to obtain.
No specific Competitions have been held at Musters since 2019.
Past Champions...
2019 - Mick Coventry
2018 - Not held
2017 - Rhonda Tallnash
2016 - Rhonda Tallnash
2015 - Matthew Hollis (Australian & Victorian Champion)
2014 - Claire Reynolds
2013 - Betty Walton
2012 - Ken Jones
2011 - Colin Carrington
2010 - Betty Walton
2009 - Ed Walker
Below: Betty Walton and Ed Walker